Voodoo Combat Membership Terms and Conditions
Name and Purpose
The name of this club is Voodoo Combat; we deliver combat sports training for all age groups including, but not exclusive to; Thai Kickboxing, Boxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Submission Wrestling, Catch Wrestling, Grappling. As well as associated fitness training, specialised personal training, diet and nutrition advice, Self Defence and First Aid training, training and coaching as Coaches in the areas mentioned above. Also, the delivery of any associated services including, but not exclusive to; Martial Arts and other courses, Martial Arts gradings, supply of training equipment and apparel, social events and the management of the ‘Hub’ on our premises including hot and cold beverages and snacks.
Ethos and Aim
ETHOS: Voodoo Combat has an ethos and tagline;
Infinite Possibility
AIM: Voodoo Combat has an overarching and all-encompassing aim of;
Developing all aspects of human performance
These statements demonstrate our pragmatic, universal and unrestricted progressive approach to the combat sports and fitness in support of the physical, mental and emotional health of Voodoo Combats members.
To achieve our overall “Aim” our objectives are;
· To manage Voodoo Combat and all related services provided.
· To offer coaching and competitive opportunities (where applicable) in combat sports including;
o Thai / Kick Boxing
o Boxing
o Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
o Submission / Catch Wrestling
o Self Defence (Def Con One)
o First Aid
· To offer coaching in fitness, health and nutrition to support the combat sports we deliver and a healthy lifestyle.
· To offer one-to-one coaching in all the above areas.
· To offer intensive courses on specialised subjects.
· To promote the club within the community.
· To ensure a duty of care to all members of the club.
· To provide its services in a way that is fair to everyone.
· To ensure that all present and future members receive fair and equal treatment.
We are affiliated to and / or associated with;
· SubZone – Manchester (Kameron Atakuru)
· Gordo Jiu Jitsu Europe (Ben Poppleton)
· CMAA – Cobra Martial Arts Association (Andrew Morell)
· UKBJJA – United Kingdom Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Association
· IBJJF – International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Association
Managing Directors
David Kari is the soul Director of Voodoo Combat Ltd and of Voodoo Kids Ltd.
David Kari and Amanda Kari are equal directors of Voodoo Satellites Ltd.
Amanda Kari is the soul Director of Your Coach 121 Ltd.
Voodoo Combat is made up of all four companies; Voodoo Combat Ltd, Voodoo Kids Ltd, Voodoo Satellites Ltd and Your Coach 121 Ltd.
David Kari and Amanda Kari are both responsible for managing all aspects of Voodoo Combat.
Coaching Team
All members of the Coaches Team are in a position of trust in Voodoo Combat.
All coaches will be registered with the CMAA, hold appropriate insurance and qualifications including First Aid, are subject to a DBS (previously CRB) check and will be listed on the black belt register if and when they are eligible.
The ‘Head Coaches’ of Voodoo Combat oversee and guide the delivery of the Martial Arts training and associated services to its members. They hold the right to overrule any decisions made by other members of the Coaches Team. All other members of the coaching team answer directly to the Head Coaches, who are;
David Kari – Head Coach
Amanda Kari – Head Coach
There are several other roles within the Coaches Team;
A ‘Senior Coach’ is considered to have a highly knowledgeable and experienced, holding an influential position in guiding the development of members and overall structure to classes.
A ‘Coach’ is considered experienced and knowledgeable enough to deliver all aspects of their chosen Martial Art competently.
An ‘Assistant Coach’ is the process of training as a ‘Coach’ or has already qualified but waiting to progress to the required belt level as a ‘Coach’. They can assist a qualified ‘Coach’ but are not insured to run a class independently.
All members are subject to the regulations of the constitution and by joining the club will be deemed to agree to and accept all our terms and conditions, policies and procedures including codes of conduct.
Members will be described in the following ways;
· Adult Member – aged 18 years and over
· Youth Member – aged 16 and 17 years
· Cadet Member – aged 11 to 15 years
· Junior Member – aged 8 to 10 years old
· Infant Member – aged 4 to 7 years old
· Coaching Team Member
Recognition of Membership
Voodoo Combat is a member only gym.
Child members are accepted from 4 years old up to and including 15 years old.
Membership of Voodoo Kids and relevant associations is achieved by completing a membership form with a health questionnaire (ParQ form).
To attend Voodoo Combat classes a training package must be purchased.
A member can only purchase packages in a single age group; Infant, Junior or Cadet.
It is the members parents / guardians responsibility to update all person details on their profile.
Members are given a ‘member to member’ insurance policy free of charge.
Prospective members are welcome to attend the gym accompanied by a parent / guardian (without taking part in a class), to look around the premises and watch a relevant class.
Any ‘new members’ introductory offers and discounts are discretionary and can be changed or revoked without notice.
Returning members are not eligible for any ‘new members’ introductory offers.
We reserve the right to refusing membership to any individual without explanation or notice.
All planned gym closures are discretionary and can be changed without notice.
A member can request to be included in any of the Voodoo Combat social and communication groups (WhatsApp groups etc). Non-members will be removed from these groups.
Membership Cancellation
Membership ceases when;
· Membership fees are not paid on time
· Membership fee of 48 days arears are outstanding
· Voodoo Combat has cancelled a membership for any reason
· A member has cancelled their membership
A members request for membership cancelation is required in writing to Voodoo Combat at least 10 working days before the next monthly payment is due. Notice given later than this may result in payment being requested and taken.
It is the individual members responsibility to contact Voodoo Combat in writing to cancel any membership and not a third party.
We will need the cancelling members full name with clear instructions of which plan/s require cancelling.
Cancelling direct debit instructions to us with a member’s bank does not constitute notice of leaving or requesting cancellation of any membership.
Membership Freeze
If a member intends to be absent for more than four weeks we can 'freeze' their membership under written instruction by a member and by agreement of Voodoo Combat, no further payments will be taken, no classes can be attended.
'Frozen' memberships can be 'unfrozen' at any time upon written request by a member and by agreement of Voodoo Combat, membership payments are then resumed.
This is a discretionary service and can be changed without notice.
Membership Fees
Membership fees are set by the Voodoo Combat Ltd Director who reserves the right to change the fees at any time without prior notice.
This amount is calculated on an annual membership basis, regardless of attendance.
Payments are made directly to the Voodoo Kids Ltd bank account via card payment, bank transfer or direct debit per calendar month.
The membership fees are paid per calendar month at a zero-interest rate.
Membership fees are as follows:
· Any 1 programme in one age group - up to two classes per week;
£336 per year paid with 0% interest at £28 per calendar month, pro-rata.
· Any 2 programmes in one age group - up to four classes per week;
£480 per year paid with 0% interest at £40 per calendar month, pro-rata.
Membership fees are calculated for the year and paid monthly, pro rata, at 0% interest.
Payments are expected to continue throughout the year regardless of gym closures, and member absences.
All monthly training fee payments are taken by direct debit each calendar month pro-rata on the date the membership was started.
A member will not be allowed to attend classes if payments are in arrears and until all monies owed have been brought up to date.
Membership will be terminated once 48 days of non-payment of membership fees has elapsed.
All back payments owed must be made in full before any future membership will be allowed.
No over-payments are refunded.
Location of Training
Unless specified by the coach, all public classes and associated training will take place at:
Voodoo Combat
125A Chestergate
SK11 6DP
Private Tuition
Private tuition is a training session delivered by a single coach to a person or persons determined by the paying client in a specific subject agreed by Voodoo Combat.
Private sessions are for one hour and will be started and finished at the agreed times.
The coach will make themselves available at an agreed time and date to train a specific client/s for one hour.
Clients under the age of 16 years old must be accompanied by a parent / guardian.
If the client/s are late on arrival the session will still end at the agreed time.
If the coach is late, they will make up this time at a mutually agreed time.
Your pre-selected coach will be qualified and insured to deliver instruction in a specific field, including;
· Thai / Kick Boxing
· Boxing
· Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
· Submission / Catch Wrestling
· Self Defence (Def Con One)
You may choose to be coached in one or a combination of the above areas.
The required area of expertise will determine which coach is allocated to a client, and a change of requirements may result in a change of coach.
The coach will discuss what the client wants to achieve from their private sessions and determine specific achievable goals which are agreed with the client.
From the agreed goals and other information given them the coach will design a programme for the client and deliver it.
All our coaches reserve the right to refuse to train a client without giving a reason or notice of doing so.
Private Tuition Location
Unless specified by the coach, all private training will take place at:
Voodoo Combat
125A Chestergate
SK11 6DP
Private Tuition Charges
All payments for private coaching are to be paid directly to the coach, not Voodoo Combat, by using a pre-agreed method. E.G. cash payment, bank transfer etc.
Standard private coaching will be charged at £32 per hour for one coach with a maximum of 3 attendees per session.
A block of 12 prepaid sessions will cost £324, this is a discounted rate of £27 per hour for one coach with a maximum of 3 clients per session.
Additional attendees (above 3) are charged at an additional £10 per person, per session.
Failure to pay for a session on time will result in ant future bookings requiring payment at the time of booking.
All private clients will get free member to member insurance.
Private Tuition Cancellation Policy
The minimum of 24 hours’ notice must be given to cancel or reschedule a session.
If less than 24 hours’ notice is given, then the client will be liable to pay the full session fee.
If a coach cancels a session, they rearrange the appointment at a mutually convenient time and date.
A member will be invited to a grading in writing to a parent / guardian if and when the coaching staff feel the child is capable of passing that grading.
Receiving a grading invitation does not in any way guarantee a member passing that grading.
There are four possible results or a grading:
· Fail: The student did not attain the required standard. They will not receive a promotion. They will be given feedback on how this decision was made and how to improve.
· Referral: The student did not attain the required standard. However, they were very close to achieving a pass mark. They will not receive a promotion. They will be given feedback on how this decision was made and how to improve. They will be invited to retake the grading free of charge at the next available grading event.
· Pass: The student attained the required standard. They will be promoted to the appropriate belt. They will be given feedback on how this decision was made and how to improve.
· Pass with Distinction (Kick boxing): The student distinguished themselves by far exceeding the required standard. They will be promoted to the appropriate belt. They will be given feedback on how this decision was made and how to improve. They will be invited to take the next level grading at the next available grading event.
· Pass with Distinction (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu): The student distinguished themselves by far exceeding the required standard. They will be promoted to the appropriate belt. They will receive one, two or three stipes on their belt. The more stipes they receive the closer to the next belt promotion they are. They will be given feedback on how this decision was made and how to improve. If they received three stripes on their belt hey will be invited to take the next level grading at the next available grading event.
It is the parents and student responsibility to ensure all the correct training clothing and equipment (PPE) is brought to the grading.
A student will not be allowed to take part in a grading without the correct training clothing and equipment (PPE) at a grading.
Being late to a grading will exclude a student from taking part fully and will miss out on vital scoring potential and will negatively impact the grading result, even to a point of failure.
If we think it is impossible for a student to pass due to extreme lateness their parent will be informed before they take part.
Grading fees must be paid a minimum of one week (7 days) before the grading takes place or the invitee will not be permitted to participate.
Cancellation of attendance with more than 7 days’ notice for the fee to be fully refunded.
Cancellation of attendance with less than 7 days but more than 48 hours’ notice will be refunded minus any expenses deducted for each individual grading booked.
Any grading fees paid and accepted (by Voodoo Combat as registered) will not be refunded in cases of less the 48 hours’ notice or non-attendance on the part of the attending member for any reason or the member being dissatisfied with the grading results or feedback.
We will not discriminate based on:
· Disability
· Gender
· Sexual orientation
· Skin colour
· Race
· National origin
· Political persuasion
· Religion
· Age
· Veteran status
We recognise all combat sports and martial arts styles and systems, as well as all proven grades and ranks.
Disciplinary Procedures
Where applicable we will adhere to the discipline procedure of;
· Voodoo Combat
· Voodoo Combats recognised Associations where applicable and practicable
All concerns and / or complaints regarding the behaviour of members should be submitted to the Voodoo Combat in writing.
The Voodoo Combat Managing Directors will decide on the appropriate action within a reasonable time complying with the relevant procedures in place. The outcome will be communicated in writing to the person who lodged the complaint.
Children's Point System
Voodoo Ninja / Samurai, Junior and Cadet Members
Discipline and rules are important and must be followed for the sake of everyone’s safety both in and out of the gym. It is for this reason we have put a points system in place to reward and to discipline our Ninja / Samurai, Junior and Cadet members aged less than 16 years old. Points can be awarded by any fully qualified or assistant Voodoo Coach. There are two types of points; ‘Merit’ and ‘Penalty’ points, positive and negative respectively.
Merit points are awarded for any positive behaviour such as; putting in special effort, outstanding achievements and being kind or helpful to others. In these cases; the amount of merit points accumulated is added towards the hours of training required before the student is invited to grade. Therefore, this will result in an early grading opportunity.
Penalty points are awarded for negative behaviour such as; not following rules, not having the appropriate clothing (Gi’s etc.) or training equipment (boxing gloves etc.), making no effort, being disrespectful to others or dangerous behaviour. In these cases; for each penalty point accumulated an additional hour of training will be required as well as their behaviour modified appropriately before the student is invited to grade. Therefore, this will result in a delayed grading opportunity.
A Penalty point can be cancelled out be a student later gaining a Merit point.
Any points awarded will be recorded on the students training record and parent/s informed.
A student’s points records are restarted at zero as a grading takes place.
If a child is sat out of class for misbehaviour, this will result in an immediate Penalty point being awarded. If they are invited to re-join the class and are sat out a second time, a second Penalty point will be awarded, and they will not be allowed back in that class for that day.
On accumulating 10 penalty points before their next grading a student may have their membership of Voodoo Combat revoked and all grades and promotions gained will be removed from our records.
For the safety of all our members, this system can be circumvented at any time by our coaches. In the case of a serious offence such as bullying inside or outside the gym, or wilfully refusing to act upon instruction from Voodoo coach/es that results in a risk to others, a student will be asked to leave immediately, and parents informed.
Any inappropriate behaviour, discriminatory behaviour and / or bullying, no matter in what form, through any form of communication, towards anyone including Voodoo Combat members and / or staff, either on or off Voodoo Combat premises, will not be tolerated and will be considered gross misconduct.
Continuing disregard of Voodoo Combat policies and procedures, terms and conditions, gym rules and / or etiquette will be considered gross misconduct.
Any members behaviour considered as gross misconduct by the Voodoo Combat Managing Directors may have their membership ceased without prior notice.
Trademarks and Copyrights
The Voodoo Combat logo is a registered trademark.
All Voodoo Combat Logos, along with the Voodoo Combat name, whether in full, abbreviated or otherwise, must not be duplicated or used in any way for any reason without prior written agreement from Voodoo Combat Ltd and are subject to Trademark and / or Copyright law.
Any unauthorised use of Voodoo Combats tagline, mission statement, website, policies and procedures, literature, pictures, advertising materials, social media for personal, business and / or any other use will be infringing Trademark and / or Copyright law.
Voodoo Combat Ltd may choose to pursue legal recompense, and cancellation of membership, in relation to cases of unauthorised uses.
AMANDA KARI - has overall and final responsibility for health & safety.
DAVID KARI - has day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice.
Statement: To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health by managing the health & safety risks at the business.
Action: Ensuring that risk assessments are completed and kept up to date; risk assessments will be reviewed when working habits or conditions change.
Responsibility: David Kari
Statement: Provide clear instructions and information, and adequate training, to ensure all staff are competent to do their work.
Action: Ensuring all staff are given adequate health and safety training; members are encouraged to wear the correct PPE (advised according to the sport); when cleaning, only off the shelf products will be purchased with instructions on the label and the instructions are followed and the products stored according to COSHH regulations.
Responsibility: Amanda Kari
Statement: Engage and consult with all staff on any day-to-day health and safety conditions.
Action: Any information that is needed to be shared is done face to face of through written communication.
Responsibility: Amanda Kari and David Kari
Statement: Implement emergency procedures – evacuation in case of fire or any other significant incident.
Action: Escape routes are always clearly signed and kept clear; evacuation plans are in place and communicated to the members via the classroom or in writing.
Responsibility: David Kari
Statement: Maintain safe and healthy working conditions; maintain gym flooring and any other training equipment.
Action: Toilets and hand washing facilities are provided; all equipment is checked prior to use and prior returning to storage by staff; any defects reported to David Kari or Amanda Kari by staff or members.
Responsibility: Amanda Kari, David Kari and all other staff
This policy sets out Voodoo Combats code of conduct expected from every one of its members.
Voodoo Combat is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all its members. We believe that it is important that members and guests associated with the gym should, always, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others.
Therefore, members are encouraged to be open at all times and to share any expectations or concerns that they may have about any aspect of Voodoo Combat.
Discipline and rules are important and must be followed for the sake of everyone’s safety.
Personal Conduct
· Your actions reflect who you are and how others see you.
· Your behaviour reflects upon yourself and as a member of Voodoo Combat it also reflects upon us.
· Any behaviour deemed as inappropriate or offensive within the gym or otherwise is not acceptable and will be dealt with accordingly.
· Never show any deliberate aggression or bullying of any kind towards anyone at any time. It will not be tolerated in or out of the gym.
· Never use your martial arts skills to attack others unless in self-defence.
· Leave your ego at the door, you have been warned.
Personal Hygiene
· For your own training comfort and that of others please make sure you wear clean training clothes, as well as maintaining good personal hygiene.
· For safety reasons, please ensure your finger and toenails are neatly trimmed, so you cannot scratch anyone.
· Long hair should be always tied up while training.
· Do not train if you are ill or have a communicable disease or skin infection of any kind.
Time Keeping
· Good time keeping demonstrates respect for your coach and training partners.
· Arrive early so you have plenty of time to change, training can then start promptly.
· We all have a life outside of the gym and sometimes we cannot help being late, but do not make it a regular occurrence.
· If you need to be late due to other commitments on a regular basis you should talk to your coach, keeping them informed.
· If you are late; warm yourself up and wait to be invited to join the class by the coach.
· Repeated lateness without good reason is an insult to your coach and fellow members.
· Late attendance in a class will result in half an attendance mark.
Some Things to Bring to Training
· Always bring your training clothing and training equipment / PPE.
· It is your responsibility to keep your training clothing and training equipment / PPE in a clean and safe condition, ready for use.
· We recommend you bring a bottle of water.
· You can bring a pre or post training snack if you wish but eat them in the designated area.
· If you are asthmatic or have any other condition that might require medication or specialist equipment, inform your coach and don’t forget to bring it with you.
· The most important things to bring are an open mind and positive attitude.
Glasses and Contact Lenses
· Wearing glasses can be potentially dangerous, so don’t wear them if you don’t have to.
· If you must wear glasses while training, wear an older pair in case they are damaged or consider a sports specific design.
· Wearing contact lenses while training (as opposed to glasses) can be an advantage.
· If you do wear, contact lenses please let your coach know before you start training.
· Never attempt techniques you haven’t been shown by one of our qualified coaches.
· If you’ve seen a technique elsewhere and would like to try it, talk to a coach first to see if it has value, if it is safe and that you are doing it correctly.
· Always practice what you’ve been shown, don’t get creative, this is dangerous.
· Do your best not to get distracted with other techniques or by students.
· Do not hold your own private class when you are asked to train something specific.
· Do not abuse or misuse any equipment in the gym.
· Report any damaged equipment immediately to your coach and cease using it.
· When you have finished training ensure you have put all gym training equipment away.
· Remove all your personal training equipment from the training area as you leave.
· Be diligent in helping us keep the training mats clean and in good repair. If you see an issue address it yourself or inform a coach.
· No eating and chewing gum while training it is dangerous and unhygienic.
· Dispose of gum in a bin wrapped in a tissue before you step on the mats.
Etiquette Towards Training Partners
· If you don’t know the person you are training with, introduce yourself. Don’t get carried away, just give them your name and ask for theirs. If you can’t remember it, don’t worry; ask them again next time you train together. You will soon get to know everyone.
· Show respect to fellow members no matter what their grade, rank or experience.
· Whenever you start or finish a drill or sparing round in Kick Boxing or Boxing with a partner it is customary to touch gloves or hands. This is a sign of respect and positive intensions; after all we are all friends and help each other develop.
· Whenever you start or finish a drill or sparing round (rolling), in any form of grappling with a partner it is customary to touching hands and bumping knuckles, gently. This is a sign of respect and positive intensions; after all we are all friends and help each other develop.
· Always show good sportsman like behaviour and respect to everyone.
· General good manners should be always used. It will earn you plenty of respect.
· Remember it is considered bad manners to scream and shout at people.
Etiquette Towards Coaches
· Always show respect towards your coach they are there to help you
· Do not argue with, be disrespectful or show condescension towards your coach, or you will be asked to leave the gym immediately.
· Pay attention and do not talk while your coach is talking or demonstrating in any way. Other members get distracted and will lose out because of you and may miss valuable instructions.
· Do not get side tracked from the task in hand and hold your own ‘little class’ while you should be listening or training. Helping others does not mean distracting them from what they should be practicing.
Coaching Others
We expect all our student to assist each other in their development. Offering tips on technique from personal experience, or good practice habits during training is encouraged. However, assuming the role of coach and attempting to teach another student without the correct training themselves is dangerous and is not acceptable. A student may assist a coach in demonstrations or coaching when asked and under direct supervision of the coach.
All Infant, Junior and Cadet members parents / guardians / carers are expected to assist in their child’s development and provide support in a positive way. Help us to help your child by reading, understanding and agreeing to the following:
· Read, understand and agree to the ‘Members Rules’.
· Encourage your child to learn the ‘Members Code of Conduct’.
· Take responsibility for their child’s compliance with all Voodoo Combats terms and conditions, policies and procedure where relevant and is practicable.
· Encourage and enable your child to wear the clothing and safety equipment that is required to fully take part in the training.
· Never force your child to take part in Martial Arts unless he/she chooses to do so.
· Support your child's involvement and help them to enjoy their Martial Art.
· Encourage your child to practice at home.
· Set a good example by recognising fair play and applauding good performances, including when they lose, not just when achieving results or winning.
· Help your child to understand that not achieving a specific goal immediately is a process of learning, not failure.
· Never punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes. This is when most learning takes place.
· Publicly accept Coaches or Referees authority and judgements.
· Do not assume the role of Coach or Referee yourself.
· Encourage your child to never argue with their Coach or Referee.
· Encourage and guide your child to accept responsibility for their own performance and behaviour.
· Ensure your child/ren are delivered into the class by a responsible adult and ready to train on time.
· Do not leave your child unsupervised if arriving particularly early to the gym.
· Be aware and considerate that arriving too early can impact negatively on other classes and students, no more the 15 minutes early if possible.
· Be at the gym five minutes before the end of the class ready to receive your child/ren and ensure they take all their equipment, clothing and possessions.
· Ensure your child has entered their membership number in the appropriate tablet on entry to the building. This is essential to have in the event of an emergency and we also use this record of your child/rens attendance as a consideration towards their ongoing grading promotions.
· Be aware of the ‘Merit and Penalty Point System’ as well as any disciplinary rules.
· Use correct and proper language at all times.
This policy sets out Voodoo Combats stance on anti-bullying throughout the gym, whether they are members, members of the coaching team or any other third party.
Voodoo Combat will:
· Recognise its duty of care and responsibility to safeguard all participants from harm
· Promote and implement this anti-bullying policy in addition to our safeguarding policy and procedures
· Seek to ensure that bullying behaviour is not accepted or condoned
· Require all members of Voodoo Combat to be given information about this policy
· Take action to investigate and respond to any alleged incidents of bullying
· Encourage and facilitate children, young people and vulnerable people to play an active part in developing and adopting a code of conduct to address bullying
· Ensure that coaches are given access to information, guidance and/or training on bullying
Each participant, coach, volunteer or official will:
· Respect every person’s need for, and rights to, a training environment where safety, security, praise, recognition and opportunity for taking responsibility are available
· Respect the feelings and views of others
· Recognise that everyone is important and that our differences make each of us special and should be valued
· Show appreciation of others by acknowledging individual qualities, contributions and progress
· Be committed to the early identification of bullying, and prompt and collective action to deal with it
· Ensure safety by having rules and practices carefully explained and displayed for all to see
· Report incidents of bullying they see – by doing nothing you are condoning bullying
· All forms of bullying will be addressed
· Everybody in Voodoo Combat has a responsibility to work together to stop bullying
· Bullying can include online as well as offline behaviour
· Bullying can include:
· Physical pushing, kicking, hitting, pinching etc.
· Name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, persistent teasing and emotional torment through ridicule, humiliation or the continual ignoring of individuals
· Posting of derogatory or abusive comments, videos or images on social network sites
· Racial taunts, graffiti, gestures, sectarianism
· Sexual comments, suggestions or behaviour
· Unwanted physical contact
· People with a disability, from ethnic minorities, young people who are gay or lesbian, or those with learning difficulties are more vulnerable to this form of abuse and are more likely to be targeted
Support to the child and vulnerable person:
· All members of Voodoo Combat should know who will listen to and support them
· Systems should be established to open the door to children and vulnerable people wishing to talk about bullying or any other issue that affects them
· Potential barriers to talking (including those associated with a person’s disability or impairment) need to be identified and addressed at the outset to enable them to approach others for help
· Children and vulnerable people should have access to Helpline numbers
· Anyone who reports an incident of bullying will be listened to carefully and be supported
· Any reported incident of bullying will be investigated objectively and will involve listening carefully to all those involved
· People being bullied will be supported and assistance given to uphold their right to train and live in a safe environment which allows their healthy development
· Those who bully will be supported and encouraged to stop bullying
· Sanctions for those bullying others that involve long periods of isolation, or which diminish and make individuals look or feel foolish in front of others, will be avoided
Support to the parents/guardians of child members (under 16 years old):
· Parents/guardians should be advised on the Voodoo Combat bullying policy and practice
· Any incident of bullying will be discussed with a child’s parent(s)/guardians
· Parents will be consulted on action to be taken (for both victim and bully) and agreements made as to what action should be taken
· Information and advice on coping with bullying will be made available
· Support should be offered to the parent(s) including information on other agencies or support lines
Useful contacts:
· NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000
· ChildLine 0800 1111 / www.childline.org.uk
· Kidscape www.kidscape.org.uk
· Anti-Bullying Alliance www.antibullyingalliance.org
Voodoo Combat will also comply with the anti-bullying policies of its governing and associated bodies.
Voodoo Gym acknowledges the duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and is committed to ensuring safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with best practice and Voodoo Gym requirements.
The policy recognises that the welfare and interests of children are paramount in all circumstances. It aims to ensure that regardless of age, gender, religion or beliefs, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or socio-economic background, all children:
· Have a positive and enjoyable experience of sport at Voodoo Gym in a safe and child centred environment
· Are protected from abuse whilst participating in Voodoo Gym or outside of the activity
Voodoo Gym acknowledges that some children, including disabled children and young people or those from ethnic minority communities, can be particularly vulnerable to abuse and we accept the responsibility to take reasonable and appropriate steps to ensure their welfare. As part of our safeguarding policy Voodoo Gym will:
· Promote and prioritise the safety and wellbeing of children and young people
· Ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in respect of safeguarding and is provided with appropriate learning opportunities to recognise, identify and respond to signs of abuse, neglect and other safeguarding concerns relating to children and young people
· Ensure appropriate action is taken in the event of incidents/concerns of abuse and support provided to the individual/s who raise or disclose the concern
· Ensure that confidential, detailed and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored
· Prevent the employment/deployment of unsuitable individuals
· Ensure robust safeguarding arrangements and procedures are in operation.
The policy and procedures will be widely promoted and are mandatory for everyone involved in Voodoo Gym. Failure to comply with the policy and procedures will be addressed without delay and may ultimately result in dismissal / exclusion from the organisation.
Voodoo Gym will also comply with the child protection policies of its governing and associated bodies.
We reserve the right to amend or change any of these terms and conditions, or policies and procedures, without notice or prior agreement.